Sony looking into PlayStation 4 hardware problems on eve of launch
Some people who got an early copy of Sony's PlayStation 4 console
have reported major performance problems.
Ahead of the PlayStation 4's official release on Friday, reports have
already surfaced of gamers and reviewers receiving retail units that
aren't fully operational.
Gamers who received early PlayStation 4 units through a special
promotional deal Sony offered in partnership with Taco Bell began to
receive their units on Wednesday, and some of these early adopters
quickly discovered problems with the new gadget. Two Reddit users
claimed that their consoles were essentially dead on arrival. Another
early PS4 owner said his console froze when he was updating the game
"Battlefield 4" and "hasn't worked since."
Some people who got an early copy of Sony's PlayStation 4 console
have reported major performance problems.
Ahead of the PlayStation 4's official release on Friday, reports have
already surfaced of gamers and reviewers receiving retail units that
aren't fully operational.
Gamers who received early PlayStation 4 units through a special
promotional deal Sony offered in partnership with Taco Bell began to
receive their units on Wednesday, and some of these early adopters
quickly discovered problems with the new gadget. Two Reddit users
claimed that their consoles were essentially dead on arrival. Another
early PS4 owner said his console froze when he was updating the game
"Battlefield 4" and "hasn't worked since."
Playstation 4 First Limited Pack with Playstation Camera (プレイステーション4専用ソフト KNACK ダウンロード用 プロダクトコード 同梱)
posted with amazlet at 13.11.16
ソニー・コンピュータエンタテインメント (2014-02-22)
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